Here we go again - Midi Fighter Pro (Cue Master)
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard
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    Jun 2015
    Orange County, CA

    Default Here we go again - Midi Fighter Pro (Cue Master)

    OK folks, I've done it again, and probably for the last time, so I'm going to bring you along with for one more ride through Jurassic Park. I managed to get my hands on a Midi Fighter Pro in the Cue Master configuration, which is the one I've always wanted. The unit arrived to me in described untested condition, and I'll tell you this thing seems like it's seen some action. There was a lot of debris and grime in the seams, every case screw was rusty, one of the twitch pots feels loose and doesn't really hit its center detent, and one of the fader pots feels grindy. On top of all that, it was completely missing the 4 rubber feets on the bottom. The main board is #2951 and this is a Mitch Manchild build. It did not come with the certificate of authenticity. I noticed an odd jump soldered on the main board - we'll have to see if I notice any odd behaviors that might be attributed to this. I'll keep posting to this thread as I explore this unit, learn more about it, and (hopefully) bring it back to its past glory! IMG_7177.jpgIMG_7175.jpgIMG_7167a1.jpg
    Last edited by Uncle Noah; 02-10-2025 at 02:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Orange County, CA


    First off, big thanks to @atesija for the reply on my previous MIDI Fighter Pro thread. Here's the good news: This unit is fully functional. It worked funky straight out of the box and was transmitting MIDI messages that I wasn't expecting, but I uploaded the Cue Master hex file ( ) and everything appears to be completely as it should be. So now for the bad news - the analog potentiometers have had it. One of the twist pots is pretty OK, but the other does not transmit data smoothly, and it doesn't really rest when it hits its detent. It's the same situation for the faders. But, this is where we can be thankful for having accounts at DigiKey and Mouser. But! I'm not sure what the proper replacement parts are, and I've had really bad luck selecting twist pots without getting hand-on with them in the past. I'm going to see if I can approach some folks to give me direction on the replacement parts and then I'll let you all know what I learn. In the meantime, I've ordered a snazzy new set of arcade buttons, and I'm going to select some new chroma caps as well so I can dress this up neat and pretty.

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