Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions. - Page 16
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  1. #151
    Tech Guru DJDoubleYou's Avatar
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    set the modified assignent to Modifier x (1,2,3,4, enz) and set the value to 1
    set the non modfier assigment to modifier x (same as above) and set the value to 0
    MF Pro & Spectra | Kontrol S4 MKI | 2x Kontrol S1 MKI | MC-1000 | Generic MKI

  2. #152
    Tech Guru zestoi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by no_rex4u View Post
    so i have an issue,

    im using a padkontrol as a MF type controller. and when i hold my shift pad down, and press another pad, the command is sent to both the modified assignment, and the normal non-modifeid assignment. any idea how to avoid that?
    sounds like you have a shift button that sets something like M1 to 1 and a shifted command that only gets sent out when M1=1 but the non shifted command is also getting sent out when u press the shift button?

    if so then you need to make sure you add the condition M1=0 to the non shifted command
    11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2
    maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
    Quote Originally Posted by derschaich
    "wohoo, i'm touched, turn on the FX"

  3. #153
    Tech Convert
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    Quote Originally Posted by no_rex4u View Post
    so i have an issue,

    im using a padkontrol as a MF type controller. and when i hold my shift pad down, and press another pad, the command is sent to both the modified assignment, and the normal non-modifeid assignment. any idea how to avoid that?
    Go to the non-modified assignment and select add modifier in question and then value = 0.

    So it should look like this:

    Hotcue set/store: CH01CC#1
    Modifier: M1 Value: 0

    Delete Hotcue: CH01CC#1
    Modifer: M1 Value: 1

    That will make 1 button set a hot cue, jump to the hotcue when pressed and then when M1 is activated (a shift key etc) it will delete the hotcue.

    Whoops, didn't see it had already been answered!

  4. #154
    Tech Guru
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    Default sample deck mapping with dicer problems

    I have read all the forums and all the posts and can not find anything to solve or address the problem I am having. I will be as thorough as I can.

    I am trying to simply (or as I thought) map the third layer of my dicers to trigger sample deck to start/stop. Sounds easy enough. I am new to midi mapping so I hope it is an easy solution. The following are the steps I am taking:

    1)delete all midi mappings from controller manager and reset Traktor and dicer

    2)Add->Generic Midi (from Device drop down)

    3)set in and out port to Novation Dicer (have also tried All Ports)

    4)Add In->sample deck->play primary

    5)learn note->hit dicer button (Ch13.NoteC4)->unclick learn

    6)set Assignment to Sample Deck 1 Slot 1

    7)Load track to Deck A (track deck)

    8)Load loop from Deck A to Sample Deck C Slot 1

    When I push the assigned button on the dicer I get an error which states "Error loading sample slot from deck: Current active deck is not a track deck"

    I am sure it is a simple solution but any suggestions are appreciated. I am running TSP 2.1.2 in external mode with deck A&B as track decks and decks C&D as sample decks with 4 slots each.

    Solved. I was mapping to the incorrect Sample deck. I needed to map to Sample deck 3 Slot 1.
    Last edited by djlotus; 12-11-2011 at 09:21 PM.

  5. #155
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    Hey All,

    I've got a question in relation to super knobs. Since the upgrade to traktor pro 2.1.2, I cant seem to find a way to turn an effect on half way through the knob turn. With my previous version of TP2 I was able to do this by mapping "Effect On" as a Knob/Fader and messing around with the settings. However now it only gives you the option of using it as a button which means the instant the knob is turned the effect turns on.

    I guess you could probably use modifiers which change value as the knob is turned, and then turn the effect on only in a certain state, however I am wondering if there is an easier way.

    Thanks in advance.

  6. #156


    Ive just been playing with an S4. There sure is a lot of stuff to configure. The info on here is a great help. Thanks guys

  7. #157
    Tech Wizard
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    Great Mappings Guys!
    Last edited by Sam_S; 01-15-2012 at 05:20 AM.
    Sam Stoa
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  8. #158
    Tech Student
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    This may be an easy one. I've been trying to figure out how to map a button that toggles an effects unit from single to group. Any ideas? sorry if this is a repost.

  9. #159


    Does Mixage Interface edition works with LE2?
    Why, at Traktor LE 1 , in the (preferences- controler manager) don't apear any mapping, only "General Keyboard and Mixage interface edition" with no chance to view the mapping?

  10. #160
    Tech Guru zestoi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessicamike22 View Post

    Does Mixage Interface edition works with LE2?
    Why, at Traktor LE 1 , in the (preferences- controler manager) don't apear any mapping, only "General Keyboard and Mixage interface edition" with no chance to view the mapping?
    you can't edit custom mappings in traktor LE.
    11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2
    maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
    Quote Originally Posted by derschaich
    "wohoo, i'm touched, turn on the FX"

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