Question about MP3 encoding
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor janzak's Avatar
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    May 2009
    Stockholm, Sweden

    Default Question about MP3 encoding

    I just converted a WAV of my latest remix to MP3 but I'm noticing that when there's 2 secs left of the track it switches to the next even though there's 2 seconds of silence left!! Wtf!

    The WAV has the silence and plays properly in iTunes but the same file converted to 320kbps MP3 just stops the instant the last kick dies, with no buffer for the next track... even though the timeline reads -0:02. Really annoying.


    Edit: while I'm here, is there any way to automate parameters with global LFOs in Live?
    I used to link music in my signature but nowadays I don't.

  2. #2
    Moderator of Silly Walks Citizen_Insane's Avatar
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    Jan 2010
    20Hz - 60Hz


    Check if the playlist you are playing it from in iTunes isn't set to "gapless playback". Should solve the problem, if not it might be a problem with the encoding, depends on the program that you used to convert it.
    Traktor Pro, VCM 600, Custom Midi Fighter, Presonus Firebox, Ultrasone DJ1 Pro
    Quote Originally Posted by photojojo View Post
    All these subgenre's are like the grandchildren of disco with dubstep and D&B being the bad kids that smoke cigarettes and are in and out of jail.

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