Hi there,
i am using traktro scratch pro.
is it possible to map the O8 (oxygen 8) knobs to that:
- i rotate the knob: effect 1 in chained effect is on
- i stop rotating the knob: effect 1 in chained effect is off
isnt it possible to say that you dont have to push a button to turn on the effects?
i mean every knob sends midi data if its rotated, that will result in a "hello i am currently rotated, now i am not longer rotated" - that means 2 states on/off. or am i wrong?
that would be really nice because i am just a puny human and i just have 2 hands, that would result in one hand pushing the button, one hand moving the knob.... means 1 effect. or i use "toggle" for the effects (this is actually my current situation) but that has no "flow".
In the VCI-100 mapping there are kind of that ideas, but i dont get it to the oxygen8.
Maybe someone can help me?
Tanks a lot.
C U Next Time!