Oxygen 8 (or general) Knob Mapping
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  1. #1

    Default Oxygen 8 (or general) Knob Mapping

    Hi there,

    i am using traktro scratch pro.

    is it possible to map the O8 (oxygen 8) knobs to that:

    - i rotate the knob: effect 1 in chained effect is on
    - i stop rotating the knob: effect 1 in chained effect is off

    isnt it possible to say that you dont have to push a button to turn on the effects?

    i mean every knob sends midi data if its rotated, that will result in a "hello i am currently rotated, now i am not longer rotated" - that means 2 states on/off. or am i wrong?

    that would be really nice because i am just a puny human and i just have 2 hands, that would result in one hand pushing the button, one hand moving the knob.... means 1 effect. or i use "toggle" for the effects (this is actually my current situation) but that has no "flow".

    In the VCI-100 mapping there are kind of that ideas, but i dont get it to the oxygen8.

    Maybe someone can help me?

    Tanks a lot.
    C U Next Time!
    Last edited by djphaderwizard; 08-20-2010 at 05:44 AM.

  2. #2


    Yup can be done.

    Smart knobs they are refered to, or macros i believe also.

    Basically what you want to do is mapp the fx amount and fx on off to the same knob.

    When you map the fx on off command you need to have it set to a button and hold. Whereas the amount command you have set to knob/fader

    Hope that helps or that ive understood you right.
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  3. #3
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  4. #4


    thanks a lot guys, i dont have the time to try it out right now, but i'll give feedback once i figured it out.

    thanks again for the links i'll check it.

    cu later m8s.


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