Lubricant for vci-100 Jogwheel
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Lubricant for vci-100 Jogwheel

    Hello guys!

    I have a question about what lubricant i should use to lube my jogwheel on my vci-100. It's my right Jogwheel that gives a grinding sound.

    Could i use just any lubericant or are there any speciall lube for just jogwheels? I have no clue what i should use. Please help me.
    Last edited by BentoSan; 11-28-2008 at 02:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Dr. Bento BentoSan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Perth, Australia


    Hi there - Read this artcile we did a while back

    And welcome to DJTT

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Thanks. I've read the guide but i'm still not sure of what lubricant i should use. I've googled dimethyl silicon and figured that it's a lot of different sorts with different characteristics. Because of the sensitivity of the jogwheels i won't just grease it with anything. It would be great if somebody could give me a more detailed description of what the lube/silicon should contain, or if there's somebody else who fix this problem with another lube than dimethyl i would be very thankful to know.

    Another question of mine is if the grinding could cause any damage to the Jogs?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Sorry for dubble posting but another question came up in my head. It says in the guide: "try to make sure the lubricant is electrically
    conductive. The lubricant can cause the contact resistance (the electrical contact
    resistance) between the jog wheel axle and the metal piece to increase – which can make
    the touch sensor less sensitive."

    I'm just wondering how the axel is connected - How is the moving of the Jogwheels recognized and transmittet into data? If i knew that i have a feeling that it would be easier to make sure that the lube i choose isn't making any damage to the jogwheel.


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