Mashup: You are A Fucky Cold Medina
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard DariusB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    The Netherlands

    Default Mashup: You are A Fucky Cold Medina

    I just posted new Mashup. After my Deadmau5 I tried to make a new mashup that was I the same song key.
    I am not sure if transposed it right. I tried to go from a F Major scale to a E Major scale by setting the transpose to -1.
    But it looks like it is now in a D Major Scale.

    I have used Ableton Live to add and replace beat.
    I also transposed the song "Rich In paradise" with 1 note.

    Songs used:
    "Rich In paradise" (Fpi Project)
    "Funcky Cold Medina" (Tone-Lōc)

    I like to hear what you finds are about this mashup.
    Last edited by DariusB; 11-07-2010 at 08:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Tech Guru Patch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Bristol, UK


    I liked it. Funcky indeed.
    DJ'ing: 2x1200MK2, DJM 850, Dicers, F1, Zomo MC-1000, Sony MDR-v700, i7 Win 10 HP Envy
    Production: Ableton Live 8 and a mouse, Sennheiser HD400, Sony VAIO

    Click HERE to D/L Free Tracks from Soundcloud!!!

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