merging midi signals project HELP!
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  1. #1
    Tech Student
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Dumb beginner: Convert usb midi into standard 5 pin

    previous question:

    hey, I need some help.

    so Im working on building a Usb Bus powered midi mixer
    based on 6 of the Highly Liquid Midi CPU's

    one of the functions of this planned mixer, would
    be that the use can plug other midi devices into it
    so that the new devices midi signals would merge
    into the mixer's own midi/usb out, therefore eliminating
    the need for more than 1 usb port.

    as well as merging the signals from other devices,
    I would also need to merge the outputs from the 6 highly liquid cpus
    into one central usb bus out.

    I have no idea how to do this. any ideas?


    I found a device that will merge 2 standard 5 pin midi inputs
    into 1 5 pin output.

    New Question:
    this is fairly dumb..
    is there a way to either
    A) modify the controller in the link above to accept usb bus midi cables?
    and if not
    B) is there a cord that converts Usb bus midi to standard 5 pin midi, so I can
    use the contoller from the link above?

    Last edited by B25; 12-31-2010 at 10:20 PM.

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