glitch in jogwheel
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
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    Default glitch in jogwheel


    i imagine there is a similar thread about this issue, but as usual i cant seem to find it. If anyone knows about such a thread, just point me in the right direction and i'll shut up.

    I run a vci-100SE on a macbook, all n all working pretty good. But i have a weird problem. I came home from a longer trip, and the vci had just been collecting dust for about a month. When i started it, the right jogwheel didn't really respond. Or, to clarify, it does respond, but not right.

    The cd search function (the one were you don't touch the metal platter) works fine, but not the scratch function. When i touch the metal platter, the light turns red, so the current seems to get through, and that always stops the track. But after a second or two it just lets go, the track will continue as if i wasn't touching it. If i keep holding it, sometimes it "grabs" to the track again.

    The weird thing is that i can get a better effect if i press harder. From that i reached the conclusion that there is something temporarily blocking the current that goes through the platter, and the letting it come through again. Not long enough to see a light change on the vci, but long enough for traktor to see a change in midimessages. But i might really wrong.

    When i use the echo jog wheel effect there is no problem controlling the rate of the delay with the jogwheel at all.

    I have tried cleaning the actual plate and tightening the screws harder. It worked for about a day, but now i have the same problem again.

    What is this all about? i can't figure out what the fuck is going on with my vci, does anyone have any ideas?

    Thanks in advance for all the free support, love this forum

  2. #2
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    There's a sensitivity adjustment on the back of the VCI. be careful with those little plastic screws, they're sensitive. Hahaha you see what I did there? But seriously be careful because those have been known to break.
    Chris Jennings FHP

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  3. #3
    Tech Convert
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    didn't work.

    if i put it at max it connects better, but it still loses the connection, and picks it up again. Also, it the light will stay red at all time at that level of sensitivity.

    to me it seems like there is something fucked with the hardware. is this something i should take with djtt directly?

  4. #4
    Tech Mentor
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    Dec 2008


    Had the EXACT same problem. Before I went out and bought Craigs Deoxit, I had my VCI a part and started swapping things around. To rule out it was not the mappings or software I placed the left deck (working one) connectors into where the right jog would go on the circuit board - this included the optical reader (4 coloured wires) and the "touch sensor / finger" wire.

    After getting back together the left jog (previous working one) was now controlling the right deck in the software - and it worked it should. I basically determined it was physically the right jog.

    So a part it comes again, this time I took a part BOTH jog assemblies and swapped the disc's so they were in the other optical reader. While it was a part I lubed the finger / sensor wire where it touches the shaft with the Craigs Deoxit and blew out (lightly and i mean LIGHTLY) anything that might have been obstructing the optical reader from reading the disc and and also lightly wiped the disc. Put it back together and BOTH jogs work 100%.

    Here is what could have been wrong...

    -optical reader had dust on the eye
    -disc dirty
    -assembly not aligned somewhere?

    Oh previous to all this, I broke a sensitivity pot in the back and replaced it and the other one to stronger ones. Maybe the broken pot had something to do with the glitch..


    I have said this before , these are extremely simple inside. Take an hour and start swapping things around to rule out different pieces of the hardware. If you thing it is the sensitivity pot causing it, take the connectors for the problem jog and plug them into the working ones on the board. Again., each jog has 2 sets of wires that get plugged into the board. a connector with 4 colored wires (optical reader) and a connector with 1 wire (touch sensor).

    If I can get around to it , i will take some pictures to show what I mean.

    Good luck.

  5. #5
    Tech Convert
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    will try this later today, have kind of been waiting for a good excuse to take my vci apart. what did you use for blowing away dust from the optical reader?

    would compressed air work?

    what is the "generic" name for Craigs Deoxit. is it some kind of lube that leads electricity?

    thanks heaps!

  6. #6
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    Sherman, TX


    All good tips. It's Caig Deoxit and it's specifically designed for electronics.
    Chris Jennings FHP

    Podcast - Soundcloud - Mixcloud - Beatport Charts - x

  7. #7
    Tech Student
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    Aug 2011


    finally a solution ! will try it asap, thx guys

  8. #8
    Tech Convert
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    Jan 2010


    naah, didn't work, for me at least. cant figure this one out.

  9. #9
    Tech Convert
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    ReuS (near Barcelona)
    hp turionx2 ,vci-100, akai lpd-8, akai apc-20...

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