I was asked to be the DJ at a friends party (he's got a big dance room at his parents house), the motto is "80's", so everyone needs to dress like they did in that time and stuff .
I don't have enough 80's music, so I thought you can help me out. Perhaps you know some cool tracks that sound like 80's or know a mix+tracklist I can quickly collect some good tracks from (or a .trrnt, something like that).
I would like to play music with really cool baselines, that typical discofunk stuff, example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWbjTt_0A5s
newer version which I like much more "Crying at the discotheque"
It doesn't really have to be from the 80's, Daft Punk for example (Stardust - The music sounds better with you) are having good tunes too, that sound like 80's.
Thanks, I really appreciate your help