VCI-300 Preset: Does Anyone Have A Copy???
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default VCI-300 Preset: Does Anyone Have A Copy???

    Hi everyone!

    I just currently picked up a VCI-300 and wanted to be able to use it with other midi software other than ITCH... I tried to download the Midi Translator that Ean had posted... got the Translator but the 'Preset' link is currently down... and seems like from reading the previous comments on it... it's BEEN down for quite awhile.

    I'm using Mac OSX [iono if that matters or not...but just putting that out there].

    Can someone please direct me to a working link or send me the file? That would be very much appreciated!!

    ----and I've also been searching for TSI files ppl have made for VCi-300 on Traktor Pro 2.... saw a few posted on here... but would love to check out any other good ones anybody here has come across!! Thanks and cheers!!

  2. #2
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Promoting my own mapping

    You don't need the Midi Translator (it was needed back when Traktor Pro didn't understand Hi-Res midi-messages).

    Download the attached tsi-file (VCI300withvolumeleds.tsi) from my post here and load it in Traktor Pro 2 and you're good to go.

    All the LEDs are working pretty much like in Itch.

    I also made the mapping as simple as possible so not many modifiers, you can easily adjust it to your needs.

    Here are the controls:

    - jogwheels (Itch-style, all props go to Zac for his implementation of "scratch") + I added pitchbend (sensitivity now at 10%), "scratch" button toggles scratch/pitchbend
    - Transport controls (Play + Cue)
    - Hotcues (6 for each deck + delete with the "shift" button) (Green when hotcue is empty, red/orange/blue, when a hotcue is present)
    - Keylock + Sync
    - Pitchsliders + pitch-shift
    - Auto Loop + half/double
    - EQ's + Gain
    - Volumefaders
    - Monitor select (Cue mix)
    - Full browser view toggle (with "browse" button)
    - List/Tree toggle (with "files" button)
    - Up/Down to scrol through list/tree
    - Expand/Collapse tree (with "TAB" button)
    - PFL A/B (with "PFL A" and "PFL B" buttons)
    - "Scroll" + "PFL A" = Load in deck A (same goes up for deck B)
    VCI 300 - DELL XPS M1330 windows 7 - Traktor Pro - Itch

  3. #3
    Tech Convert
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    Apr 2011



    THANK YOU so much for this tomato!!! I totally thought you needed to use that 'mini-translator' that Ean graciously hook everyone up with to use the VCI-300 with... I will definitely try this out and hopefully give some feedback soon as im done testing it out!!

    ---I've been trying to use the VCI-300 with Serato Scratch Live... midi mapping everything... especially focused on mapping the platters (through the midi hack) as others have done successfully with other midi controllers... but still havent gotten the platters to work right on SSL. I already had success with mapping the VCI-100 SE 1.4 to SSL and really wanted to upgrade to the VCI-300 to use the high resolution platters on get more 'finer' & 'precise' movement controller...

    So far... I tried the using the midi-notes the VCI-300 was spitting out to both 'midi-pipe' & 'midi-monitor'. They both were pretty erratic... i think it's because maybe the VCI-300 is in a different mode other than what SSL needs (im guessing it's 'relative' mode... but this is just a wild-guess since i havent had time to text/check this yet).... or maybe the high-resolution needs to be downgraded to a lower one... since midi's reso is far less? This is another theory I will search to answer and/or test out... just thought I'd put that out there... anyways... if anyone can shed some light on the matter.... that would be super appreciated! Thanks and cheers!! =]

  4. #4
    Tech Convert hellokatze's Avatar
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    May 2009


    Maybe somebody find this interesting. If you got cracks and pops after mapping LEDS — just turn off MIDI CLOCK SYNC.
    Last edited by hellokatze; 07-08-2011 at 05:54 PM.

  5. #5
    Tech Wizard
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    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by hellokatze View Post
    Maybe somebody find this interesting. If you got cracks and pops after mapping LEDS — just turn off MIDI CLOCK SYNC.
    Oh, so that was the reason. That's definitely good to know!

  6. #6
    Tech Convert hellokatze's Avatar
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    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by tomato View Post
    Promoting my own mapping

    Download the attached tsi-file (VCI300withvolumeleds.tsi) from my post here and load it in Traktor Pro 2 and you're good to go.

    All the LEDs are working pretty much like in Itch.
    tomato, can you make volume leds working like — left chanel leds for A deck vol and right for B. Now left and right chanels work for master volume.

  7. #7
    Tech Convert
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    Jul 2011


    the two at the same beat?, are you sure? it seems to me that are separated

    how do you do it to play with FX?, that mi f*/@#ckng question!

    and thx for the mapping, works great!

  8. #8
    Tech Student
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    This is absolutely awesome!!! How would one go about using the crossfader with this?

  9. #9
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Very easy to map.
    1) Go to the Controller Manager
    2) click "add in" and then search for X-Fader (Mixer) and select it.
    3) press "learn" and move the crossfader.
    4) You're done!
    VCI 300 - DELL XPS M1330 windows 7 - Traktor Pro - Itch

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