Gamepad + vci 100 HELP
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Gamepad + vci 100 HELP

    Hi every one, sorry for my bad english but i'll do my best
    I wan to make a midi controller that work like a midifighter with a gamepad, i bought 2 of them, each one with 16 buttons and 2 joysticks. I have a vci 100 that i am using with the traktorSE mapping from DJTT. I installed glovepie, LoopBee1 and Putzlowitsch's Vista MIDI Mapper.
    The problem is that one of this 3 programs affects to my vci 100 and when using with Traktor, the mapping does not work it's messed up, what can i do? I have windows 7.
    It looks like the note valeus on the vci changed with the programs.
    I will post some pictures of my diy midi controller but for now help solve this problem.
    Thank you.
    Sorry i justi figures out that in traktor, the vci 100 mapping was set to all ports, i change it to vestax pc controller and works fine.
    I ll post my prograss with mi midi controller
    Last edited by angelva; 06-01-2011 at 02:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Tech Guru zestoi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    UK, Ukraine, Romania


    glad you sorted out your issue - will be interested to see photos of any progress.

    i picked up a cheapo tupperwear box today to put my arcade buttons in but then put some food in it and its now in the fridge

    guess i need to get another box :P
    11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2
    maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
    Quote Originally Posted by derschaich
    "wohoo, i'm touched, turn on the FX"

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