Weird sample slot behaviour
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  1. #1

    Default Weird sample slot behaviour

    Hi Guys,

    I have a track in deck A - 125bpm - no pitch adjustment or anything - yet when i drop a sample of it into a sample slot on deck C it sounds slightly slower and a different tone.

    I understand there is no keylock feature on sample decks - but that would only apply if i had changed the tempo from the original track.

    As i say, the track is a 125bpm track, and its playing at 125bpm - so why does it sound a bit different when i drop it into the sample slot?

    Any help would be great,



  2. #2
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Sherman, TX


    Is key lock on for that deck? HiQ or lo? Maybe its just the difference between it running through the software?
    Chris Jennings FHP

    Podcast - Soundcloud - Mixcloud - Beatport Charts - x

  3. #3


    Think i got it sorted now jojo, thanks. I did have keylock on, it was set dead centre obviously as the track was playing at it's normal bpm.
    But for some reason when I dropped it into the sample deck it changed.
    If I turn keylock off it's fine, Which sucks because I like keylock on.

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