So Im moving to philly in about a month for college (Drexel)
Any DJTTers out in that area?
So Im moving to philly in about a month for college (Drexel)
Any DJTTers out in that area?
yes i know
what kind of places do you spin? and does anyone have suggestions for getting known in a new area? im sure theres countless threads ill go hit up the search. But any philly specific advice?
honestly your best bet for hearing Dubstep is to hang with the DnB crowd... my boy is the dude who basically runs all that shit in Philly, you might want to friend him on FB so you can find out when the good dnb parties are. I know they do a monthly at Fluid because I have gone there in the past for it, but I don't really go out a whole lot in philly. You will find that Philly is more of a house listening crowd. But there are also some places that play mashup stuff. You should maybe check out Roxxy for the electro or mashup type stuff. Not sure exactly if that is what goes on in there, but I am pretty sure it does. By your musical tastes, you are coming from the West coast I am assuming...? Music on the east coast is very different. Pretty much nobody likes electro, every once in a while you may see one of those guys like Glaude, Feelgood, or DJ Dan get booked out here, but it will be a very rare occasion... eople in philly and on most of the eat coast just don't like electro music, it came and went here about 6 years ago. You may find living out here your musical tastes will change also, when in Rome... I think you will have the best luck contacting my friend up above, I know that the dnb crowds out here mix with dubstep and many of their parties have both genres. And the dnb parties I have been to have always been well supported!
Hope that helped and wasn't discouraging...![]()
Shit.. I hate dnb haha