Hey guys,
I need some of your DJTT Traktor wisdom power to help me out.
I recently sold my S4 and unregistered the software. After that I uninstalled it from my MBP. I then installed Traktor LE which came with my X1, in order to upgrade to TP2 and keep on going.
Now this is where the issue comes. When I opened Service Center after reinstalling it didn't update itself, and it was still showing that I have the S4, TP2 and TLE installed, when actually I only have the LE installed? I tried to see whats up and get it updated but no luck for me. So I emailed NI and they replied saying that I need to completely remove Traktor from my MBP and reinstall from fresh.
The thing is I don't want to do this as I don't want to lose all of my hard word beatgridding my tracks. Is there a way to reinstall, get everything updated (Service Center) and keep my beatgrids and settings?
If I completely remove Traktor and reinstall again I will lose everything right? What can I do to avoid this? Thanks in advance guys!