Alright so I've been mixing for a few months now with my VCI-100 S.E. and I'm having a real problem trying to figure out how to properly beatmatch and I refuse to touch the autosync button. I find myself using the orange bar above the beat grid a lot to beatmatch by eye rather than by ear which I really would like to stop doing.
I'll sit here with two tracks near same tempo and practice adjusting the pitch sliders until the tempo is nearly the same...
so question #1: Do "good" DJ's get the tempo of both tracks exactly the same every time ONLY by ear or do they just get the tempo in the general ballpark? By exactly I mean 89.50 for track one and 89.47-89.53 for track two.
I want to know because I'm sort of a perfectionist and If most DJ's just get the tempo of two tracks in the general ballpark of each other then I wont need to spend 6 months practicing pitch bending until I'm perfect at it lol.. BUT I WILL IF I HAVE TO!!!
Question #2: When beat matching two tracks, It bugs the crap out of me if I "think" I have two tracks beatmatched and I look up and the orange bar above the beat grid is off by like 3-6 mm. Is this a big deal? Does it need to be exact each time? How did you learn to tempo and beatmatch when you were a beginner and how long did it take you to become efficient at it?
Question #3: Beat Gridding. I've been scouring youtube for tutorials and I keep coming across manually beat gridding your tracks on traktor. Why is this? Why should I manually beat grid my tracks? If I manually beat grid my tracks does that mean I have to go through each and every single track and beatgrid them myself? Will it save the beat grid I set up or do I have to re-do it every time?
BTW I play dubstep, drum & bass, and some electro. I'd like to mix hip-hop some day and learn how to scratch... maybe next year.