What mapping to use for my X1 with my set up?
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  1. #1

    Default What mapping to use for my X1 with my set up?

    I have a S4, Cue Master, Beat Masher, and Maschine. An awesome friend of mine gave me a Kontrol X1 as a wedding present.

    I'm wondering what the best mapping would be for me to use for the X1 to integrate with my set up. I am currently using Maschine sync'd with Traktor and am not using it as a Midi controller.

    I have messed around with the X1 but when I plug it in, Traktor asks if I want to use the factory settings for the X1. If I click yes, it deletes my midi fighter pro mappings. I've tried to reinstall those but then the X1 goes screwy.

    If I am using deck specific mappings for each midi fighter pro, what X1 mapping would you suggest I use?
    Macbook Pro 15" (2.3 GHz Quad i7, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD), S4, Maschine, Beat Masher, Cue Master

  2. #2
    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    give this a shot http://www.traktorbible.com/freaks/m...ew.aspx?id=199

    Meant as a S4 companion to control fx units 3/4 and decks c/d, in sample or deck modes. You already have part of this covered, but the fx and sample volume/filter part might come in handy.

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