Traktor 2 - Displaying Master deck LED
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  1. #1

    Default Traktor 2 - Displaying Master deck LED

    I am binding my APC40 right now and am having a little trouble with displaying which deck is the master. I want to have the button light up a blinking orange when the deck is set to master, and be off when it is not. The MIDI In is working perfectly and the button sets the deck to the master absolutely fine. Though the MIDI Out is not working as planned (and I'm thinking this has to do with the MIDI In "Set To Master" being a Trigger? There are no other options either).

    Here is what the MIDI In looks like:

    Here is what the MIDI Out looks like:

    When I set the MIDI Range Min to 6 (blinking oranges value) and the Max to 6, it will just stay on and blinking no matter what even if it isn't set to the master, which it should, but when I set the MIDI Range Min to 0 (off) and the Max to 6, it will not turn on when the deck gets set to master.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Tech Mentor Lew's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Hampshire, UK


    It's been a while since I played with mappings but couldn't you work around it with 2 entries?

    1st entry: Controller range 0,0; MIDI range 0,0

    2nd entry: Controller range 1,1; MIDI range 6,6

    I'm sure I've done something similar to work round a similar issue but I may be remembering the implementation wrong.

  3. #3


    Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be working. When I set the controller range Min and Max to both 1 it doesn't have the "Master/Not Master" on/off sort of behavior, it just displays whatever color value the Midi Range Min is set to. Though curiously when I change the Midi Range Max to a different color like red, when I click down on it it'll blink red when I click down but otherwise not change the button's behavior.

    I'm starting to think because its not a toggle on/off type of thing and its more of a "set" thing for each deck, maybe it's not displaying or getting updated info from Traktor saying "yeah I'm set as the master / I'm not the master"?

  4. #4


    I've tried this too but no response???

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