hey everyone! i've been getting into DJing over the past couple months, i use a traktor kontrol s2, traktor 2 pro, yamaha hs80m's, etc etc..
i've got my beatgridding, beatmatching, timing, etc all down pretty good at this point.. my biggest hurdle is getting the right balance in the EQ's when fading 2 dance music songs together..
currently, i'm basically just mixing by turning the LOW's all the way down on the 1 track and gradually turning it up as i turn the crossfader from left to right..
i know that this isn't the best way to do it, so i was hoping to see if anybody had any general "rules" (i know music and DJing isn't cut and dry or set in stone) in fading between 2 songs..
what i'm looking for is basically, as you gradually move your fader from left to right, how should you change the HI's, MID's and LOW's of the 2 tracks to make it sound decent? (for example, at 25% crossfader, your EQ's of the 2 tracks should be XYZ and at 50% (middle), your EQ's should be XYZ, so on and so forth..
i know that there's no real answer for this, and that music varies greatly, but i was hoping for a general "rule" to improve my technique.. thanks guys, i really appreciate you helping me to develop my skills!