midi pages tks
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Thread: midi pages tks

  1. #1
    Tech Wizard
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    Default midi pages tks

    Is there a way to copy the settings from one page on a tks to another or maybe to merge tks files?
    I waswindering weather you could manualkly edit the files but don't have a clue what software to use.
    I use mainly a bcr for controllling and a mate uses an exponent, we have a tks fiole for each piece of hardware but it'd be greatr if we could merge/add them together nicely.
    Advent Notebook N270 1Gb ram,G5 PPC OSX 10.4.11 quadcore 2Gb ram fast track pro
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  2. #2
    DJTT Moderator bloke Karlos Santos's Avatar
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    Unfortunately there is no TKS merger program that im aware of.
    There is a TSI merger but that wont work.

    Looks like some re-mapping is in store.
    Make sure that you can assign which Midi Channel is assigned to the controllers. They must be on different channels.
    This is a good guide to Midi : http://www.traktorbible.com/en/midiguide.aspx
    (altho its mainly aimed at TSP)

  3. #3
    Retired DJTT Moderator DvlsAdvct's Avatar
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    As of now you can only use Traktor to manually edit TKS and TSI files. Maybe, one day, someone will script something that makes it easier, cause right now it's a royal pain in the ass.

    Do a search on the forum, though, cause there are a few threads with the program to merge TSI files.

    (Damnit, Karlos, you had to beat me to it by a second)
    It's the FAQ. Read it.

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  4. #4
    Tech Mentor alien2k's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_coops View Post
    Is there a way to copy the settings from one page on a tks to another or maybe to merge tks files?
    Yes I have done this... I merged Eanīs and my tks on 3.4.

    You need to open the tks file with a text editor, you will notice that each page start with a <PAGE> code and end with a </PAGE> code.

    All what is between that code tab is the midi page mapping.
    so a four midi page tks will have four <PAGE>code</PAGE> structure. You can replace the code in between those code tabs with the code from another tks containing the mapping that you want to add.

  5. #5
    DJTT Moderator bloke Karlos Santos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DvlsAdvct View Post

    (Damnit, Karlos, you had to beat me to it by a second)
    TeeHee sorry bro.

    Quote Originally Posted by alien2k View Post
    Yes I have done this... I merged Eanīs and my tks on 3.4.

    You need to open the tks file with a text editor, you will notice that each page start with a <PAGE> code and end with a </PAGE> code.

    All what is between that code tab is the midi page mapping.
    so a four midi page tks will have four <PAGE>code</PAGE> structure. You can replace the code in between those code tabs with the code from another tks containing the mapping that you want to add.
    Yeah editing your tks is very possible but id say not for the beginner but it can be done if your careful.
    Which why a handy program would be cool.

    Make Copies of all your TKS files before you open them in an editor.

  6. #6
    Tech Wizard
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    Cheers as usual guys
    I'll give the text editing thing a whirl, remembering to keep a backup of the originals (cheers karlos!)
    Advent Notebook N270 1Gb ram,G5 PPC OSX 10.4.11 quadcore 2Gb ram fast track pro
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  7. #7
    Tech Mentor alien2k's Avatar
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    Sorry for my short explanation... my day job wont leave me alone....

    Yes as Karlos says is better to backup a copy of the tks file. Editing the tks file is not for begginers but is not so hard either. If you are familiar with any computer language you will figure out which is the beggining of a new midi page on the tks file. Although I noticed that there is one value which you may modify to stablish which midi page number you want to assign to the midi page code.

    Here is an example of the begining of the first midi page in my tks:
    <PAGE> <ACCESSOR CHANNEL="0" ID="100" TYPE="3">..... midi page code ....</PAGE>

    Now the second page would start like this:
    <PAGE><ACCESSOR CHANNEL="2" ID="100" TYPE="3">">..... midi page code ....</PAGE>

    Notice that the accessor channel number changes, this correponds to the midi page. In my tks midi page1 is ACCESSOR CHANNEL="0"
    then the second one is ACCESSOR CHANNEL="2"
    third ACCESSOR CHANNEL="3" ...etc

    It is a matter of trial and error, but for me it was much faster than mapping it manually. If you have the midipage code correct merging or copying midipages can be done with the text file.

    Let me know if you need help.

  8. #8
    Tech Wizard
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    Cheers, i'll look into it.
    Basically I was wanting to control 4 decks using many of the same controls, so I just wanted to quickly and efficiently make a file with 2 pages one for decks a-b and another for decks c-d.
    I may try and merge others but want to walk before I run

    Thanks again
    Advent Notebook N270 1Gb ram,G5 PPC OSX 10.4.11 quadcore 2Gb ram fast track pro
    BCR 2000, Axiom 25

  9. #9
    Retired DJTT Moderator DvlsAdvct's Avatar
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    There was a good guide put up by PhilL (I think) on the NI Traktor boards a year or two ago about this. That was how I learned.
    It's the FAQ. Read it.

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