DJ production collective, San Francisco South Bay Area
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  1. #1

    Default DJ production collective, San Francisco South Bay Area

    Ping me if you are interested in a similar project. South San Francisco Bay area as driving a car back and forth is not productive. This would be across a lot of cool new music styles not restricted to one single style.

  2. #2


    Just to clarify this a little bit more, it would be a middle ground approach between cheesy pop dance stuff and elite club expert music. I do think there's space between these two extremes. I.e. you could play or create pretty commercial music, at the same time it is clever and complex and not bubble-gum.

  3. #3


    Just to clarify this a little bit more, it would be a middle ground approach between cheesy pop dance stuff and elite club expert music. I do think there's space between these two extremes. I.e. you could play or create pretty commercial music, at the same time it is clever and complex and not bubble-gum. This makes it possible to get into all kinds of avenues that otherwise would be tough to get into (pure club music). But not fall into the trap of playing or creating cheese.

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