Here's some pics of how my set up has evolved since pulling out my gear from storage a couple years ago. They were in storage for 7 or so years. Before I put them in there digital djing wasn't really the norm. In fact I was blown away by all the advances in the world of spinning and scratching. It took me some time to catch up and learn this stuff. I have kinda gotten obsessed with acquiring gear now. I am sure most of you can relate. My equipment was 2 technics a vestax 05 pro and a ton of vinyl. I have gone through several changes over the last two years but I really don't think I could ever get away from the feel of Vinyl. I am a scratch DJ and I do this as a hobby now. I wish I had pics from over the last 22 years worth of gear changes but sadly I don't. I got the Maschine Mikro on kind of an impulse buy. I had some Guitar Center gift cards and thought why not. I know absolutely nothing about how to use it or how to produce music. I am looking forward to learning though. Thanks for looking and as a FYI, I am pretty much willing to trade pretty much anything you see in the pics except for my 1200s. I had those things for 19 years and they still work perfectly!
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