Just wanted to share my first real DJ experience with you all:
So this weekend was my first unofficial "gig." A buddy of mine threw a halloween party and asked me if I would DJ for it so I figured why not, it wouldn't be a tough crowd anyway. So I went early and set up everything for the night and did some sound tests and arranged speakers and what not. What I didn't realize was that he invited so many peopleSo I played my iPod until everyone arrived and then started my set. As the night went, my nerves subsided a bit and I started to get more and more confident in my mix. Gauging people's reactions, it was going well and before I knew it, the entire basement was packed with people.
Now I know this wasn't a huge crowd (about 40 people) but this was my first taste of actually performing, and I have to say the feeling of controlling a crowd and seeing people react so positively to what you are doing is quite an awesome one!