Help Needed Please.
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  1. #1

    Default Help Needed Please.

    I have a Denon MC3000 with a mapping called "Optimized" installed and really like it but I hardly use the remix decks so I would like to change it to 3 Full Decks & 1 Remix Deck. Decks C&D are the Remix Decks and the way they are mapped they use the Hot cue buttons for Triggering the slots but I want on deck C to use the Hot Cues so my 1st question is

    1. Am I correct in thinking if I delete all the remix associated commands from Deck C and copy all the commands for Hot cues from Deck A (Obviously changing to Deck C) and also changing the modifier states this should give me basically a Mirror of Deck A functions for Deck C?
    most of the other functions that i use can be controlled with mapping as is, only problem is the Hot cue issue

    If so

    2. Is there a way to duplicate multiple commands at one time in Traktor ?

    Thanks for any help you guys can give me.
    Last edited by steve 4130; 11-02-2013 at 03:26 PM.

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