55:25 min mark
55:25 min mark
Ha! I meant to post this but totally forgot. I remember watching that and thinking what the hell is he talking about. If it's true I wonder what they're actually working on?
Oh hell........is vinyl really making that big of a push back again? I'm kinda looking forward to that DJ-Tech turntable that is gonna be $249 I think'll pick up a pair once those drop. Pioneer though? I cannot imagine how that would even look like....
This is really exciting. As someone who just switched to DVS I'm glad to see some of the major players are going to contribute to the style.
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I look at it this way - synths, drum machines, and samplers were apparently going to kill real instruments. But 3-4 decades on, new and old technologies are being used in the same space to compliment each other. And I feel the same will be true with DJing. There's a real this or that mentality in DJing right now, whereas I'm a this AND that guy.
DJs have gone with the flow and ridden the controller tidal wave. But we're now in the period where the waters subside and we can survey the landscape. And that landscape sees people rediscovering turntables and CDJs all over again. It's all good, and having a varied landscape with actual choice makes DJing a rich and vibrant scene all over again.
DJWORX - The very best DJ gear news, reviews and opinion
Great post, Mark.I agree completely.
DJ'ing: 2x1200MK2, DJM 850, Dicers, F1, Zomo MC-1000, Sony MDR-v700, i7 Win 10 HP Envy
Production: Ableton Live 8 and a mouse, Sennheiser HD400, Sony VAIO
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if pioneer makes a turntable I'm SOLD
pioneers last turntables were crap, they were my first decks, the reason I got them was because they had the pioneer logo... big mistake. Pioneer would really have to step up their game and not just use cheap OEM's.
Why did the elephant get lost... Cause the Jungle is MASSIVE!
Would it be crazy to think they might ditch the needle and make a real upgrade to the standard record player?
DJWORX - The very best DJ gear news, reviews and opinion