Midi fighter sampling
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Unhappy Midi fighter sampling

    Hey guys, im new on the midi fighter 3d and i've start off using it together with my serato scratch live setup. I now wanna venture in to making a routine fully on the MF and im wondering how can i do it through ableton live? as i know its not as simple as cut and paste. Cant seem to find a tutorial on it.......


  2. #2
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    There are a few ways you could do it:

    1. Load some samples into a drum rack in Ableton, play samples w/ MF and create some sort of arrangement. Try this Mad Zach tutorial:
    2. Make a simple song, freeze + flatten all the tracks, cut up the audio into small samples, load it into a drum rack, play samples w/ MF
    3. You could also use Live's session view and map the MF buttons to the clip starts/stops. You could play a combination of loops and samples (ex. launch loops with some buttons, play a live drum beat with the other buttons).

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