Marky's bedroom studio
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor markyyoung's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    South Padre Island, TX

    Smile Marky's bedroom studio

    Here's where I make beats and stuff of that nature. My studio part has a Ableton Push running 9 suite with a M-Audio Oxygen 49, a pair of KRKs Rocket 5s (hoping to get some Yamahas soon) monitor stands for them. Asus Q 302 i5 with a Samsung 850 Evo 500g solid state drive . Presonus Audio Box, Novation Bass Station 2 and a Subpac S2 that I won from Subpac in a contest on facebook . I have more controllers and pads not shown but this is my current setup. My DJ booth/ table makeshift thing that my friend and I made out of an old computer desk and a shelf from Walmart that we used for parts, it's not Ikea but it does the job . A DDJ SX, F1 some Philips bookshelf speakers and a couple of monitors. Been building this piece by piece for some time now and really thankful to have all this. Sorry about the sideways pic btw.
    Last edited by markyyoung; 08-06-2015 at 10:38 AM.
    One feeds the pocket, the other feeds the soul "DJ Mpire"

  2. #2
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Nice setup!
    I ditched DJing a while back to focus on production. I just don't have enough time to do both. I'm hoping to get ready to play my own songs by next year, but I'm planning to use Live for performing than. What is your focus on and how much time to do spend on each hobby/job? Why don't you use Live for performing?

  3. #3
    Tech Mentor markyyoung's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    South Padre Island, TX


    Well my main focus is always producing, thats what I love more, so about half the day everyday I'm messing around with Ableton either producing tracks or setting up live sets to dj with. I currently use Traktor to play gigs mostly because of my controller and it's more comfortable to play live like that. But I really want to start using Ableton live for live gigs. I would midi map the 4 channels of the SX to Ableton and use a launchpad to play live (got the idea from Datsik) but I would like to get a smaller controller like an S4, I love the DDJ but it's a bit bulky for what I want to do and Ableton will sometimes wig out on me when I map the whole controller. And thanks dude
    One feeds the pocket, the other feeds the soul "DJ Mpire"

  4. #4


    Traktor/Ableton /Komplete /MBP OSX el capitan

  5. #5
    Axel Dark Key


    Love that studio, with all those MIDI pianos!

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