"Beat Lights" - can this be done with the VCI-100 SE?!
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard
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    Default "Beat Lights" - can this be done with the VCI-100 SE?!


    Please check out this thread:


    or the Youtube-video mentioned in that thread:


    I find this rather interesting. Apparently there's a "Deck beat phase monitor" that has been introduced with Traktor 3.4 - any thoughts on this?!

  2. #2
    DJTT Dominator JesC's Avatar
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    It works, I have mine working off the sync led (Green to Orange). Its a bit cheesy....but you want dj's to know that you have a vci-100 and you know how to use it!
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  3. #3
    Tech Wizard Guust-Fi's Avatar
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    Pretty cool
    I just added that to my play buttons, instead of a green light they now blink when a track is playing. I used a setting of 2048 - 4096, it makes them blink for a shorter period.

    Edit: As posted by McRossi below ... 0 - 1096 should work better.
    Last edited by Guust-Fi; 08-30-2008 at 05:25 AM.

  4. #4
    Mr. Golden EanGolden's Avatar
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    nice find, thanks for sharing. This might make a good blog post.

  5. #5
    Tech Wizard McRossi's Avatar
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    I agree with the exception of Guust-Fi's comment about adjusting the Controller range option. The controller range affects the amount of time the light is on for the beat. The first number controls how long before (negative number) the beat, the light is on and the second number for how long during and after the beat the light stays on (positive number). So for accuracy you should set the first number to 0 so that the light turns on as the beat hits. If you use a positive number, the light in fact comes on after the beat has already hit.
    And for shortness of the light's duration (can be a preference you add in the second number. I have found 0 and 1096 to work accurately and to not drag on too long.

  6. #6
    Tech Wizard Guust-Fi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McRossi View Post
    I agree with the exception of Guust-Fi's comment about adjusting the Controller range option. The controller range affects the amount of time the light is on for the beat. The first number controls how long before (negative number) the beat, the light is on and the second number for how long during and after the beat the light stays on (positive number). So for accuracy you should set the first number to 0 so that the light turns on as the beat hits. If you use a positive number, the light in fact comes on after the beat has already hit.
    And for shortness of the light's duration (can be a preference you add in the second number. I have found 0 and 1096 to work accurately and to not drag on too long.
    I was thinking about that in my bed as well . I corrected it...

  7. #7
    Dr. Bento BentoSan's Avatar
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    Nice find, would indeed make a good post

  8. #8
    Tech Mentor
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    anyone find the preferred settings for the vci-100.. i seemed to have gotten it to work for a bit using the sync button and play button but not there is nothing.. every white coloured light though is flickering slightly.. like a christmas tree.. not sure if its good for the unit so i will turn it off and wait until further instruction

  9. #9
    Tech Wizard Guust-Fi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4nT1 View Post
    anyone find the preferred settings for the vci-100.. i seemed to have gotten it to work for a bit using the sync button and play button but not there is nothing.. every white coloured light though is flickering slightly.. like a christmas tree.. not sure if its good for the unit so i will turn it off and wait until further instruction
    I was wondering about that as well. When doing certain things with the vci-100 all the lights will flicker slightly. If you use the sync buttons in trigger mode instead of hold mode you can see it as well.

    Does anybody know the probable cause of this issue and a way to fix it?

  10. #10
    Tech Wizard McRossi's Avatar
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    I am getting the same results of fluttering lights on my VCI-100 SE. I have also noticed that sometimes the secondary lights stop working all together after a couple songs. So when I hit cue, that light no longer works as well as the designated beat lights. Pretty strange.
    I do not think it is a voltage issue either, I am using a power supply with my unit.

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