What's the most # of tracks w/ Rekordbox cues & loops you've shown up at club with?

View Poll Results: What's the most # of tracks w/ Rekordbox cues & loops you've shown up at a club with?

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  • Under 1000

    1 33.33%
  • A couple thousand

    1 33.33%
  • Closer to 10,000

    1 33.33%
  • Several tens of thousands or more

    0 0%
Results 1 to 7 of 7
  1. #1
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Dayton, Ohio, USA

    Default What's the most # of tracks w/ Rekordbox cues & loops you've shown up at club with?

    What's the most # of tracks w/ Rekordbox cues & loops you've shown up at club with on a single flash or drive to play direct on linked CDJs?

    I don't mean tracks just analyzed for the waveforms and BPM, rather I mean the number of tracks with actual pre-set cues, hot cues, and loops where you couldn't do without this pre-set meta info. Do not count tracks that are just analyzed.

  2. #2
    Tech Guru the_bastet's Avatar
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    Cincinnati, OH


    I posted this on your facebok already, but my current DNB drive has 9,182 tracks on it and I never have any issues.
    - Equipment - 2X Technics 1200, 2X Audio Technica ATLP1240, 2X XDJ700, 2X XDJ1000 MK2, Denon DNX-1100, Mixars DUO, DJM750 MK2, NI Audio 10, NI Aduio 4, Serato SL3, 4X Shure M44-7, 2X Ortofon Pro S, 2X Numark Groove Tool, Maschine MK3, Samson Carbon 49, Roland SE-02, Novation Launchcontrol, TouchOSC, Nocation Peak, Arturia MiniBrute, Korg Volca Kick, MicroKorg (Classic), NI Komplete Audio 6

  3. #3
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    He's talking about a thumb drive for a club mix...kind of a strange question...
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
    Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal

  4. #4
    Tech Guru Patch's Avatar
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    Bristol, UK


    Why do you want to know?

    I know people that use ZERO cue points and pre defined loops.
    DJ'ing: 2x1200MK2, DJM 850, Dicers, F1, Zomo MC-1000, Sony MDR-v700, i7 Win 10 HP Envy
    Production: Ableton Live 8 and a mouse, Sennheiser HD400, Sony VAIO

    Click HERE to D/L Free Tracks from Soundcloud!!!

  5. #5
    Tech Mentor
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    Dayton, Ohio, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Patch View Post
    Why do you want to know?

    I know people that use ZERO cue points and pre defined loops.
    Gear requirements at venues.

    Then you would mark "Under 1000" on the poll ;-)

  6. #6


    I believe every Rekordbox player supports at least memory cues/loops, so most people don't require hot cues/loops. And if you do want hotcues and don't care about CDs, the XDJ-700 and XDJ-1000 MK1 are cheap options.

  7. #7
    Tech Mentor
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    Nov 2011
    Dayton, Ohio, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by ErikMinekus View Post
    I believe every Rekordbox player supports at least memory cues/loops, so most people don't require hot cues/loops. And if you do want hotcues and don't care about CDs, the XDJ-700 and XDJ-1000 MK1 are cheap options.
    I've had some who needed hot cues and moving waveforms, making my CDJ900s a no-go for them.

    All the Pioneer USB-capable players have the jog bend deadzone and the shit pitch resolution on Wide, so my own personal reservations against investing in more Pioneer stuff also comes into play when looking at the XDJ line. I also seem to recall some issue with both the XDJ 700 and mk1 version of the XDJ 1000 that prevented them from being utilized for a particular DJ. Can't remember off the top of my head, though.
    Last edited by Reticuli; 11-05-2017 at 12:51 PM.

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