ISSUES w/DJTT Traktor Mappings in 2.5?
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  1. #1
    DJTT Moderator flashflooder's Avatar
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    Default ISSUES w/DJTT Traktor Mappings in 2.5?

    Hello all,

    I just wanted to create a central forum thread for anyone who is experiencing issues with existing DJTT Midi mappings in Traktor v2.5 that were not experienced in previous Traktor versions. I am currently aware of any widespead issues with mappings created on previous versions of Traktor but a significant amount of changes have been made to Traktor's controller manager and mapping capabilities and I want to be sure that there issues that go unnoticed.

    If you have found an issue with a mapping that was previously not present, please do one of the following:

    • Post a detailed comment of your findings on the appropriate mapping page on OR
    • Send me a PM about the issue OR
    • Write out your issue in detail as a post in this thread

    If you have posted something and have not had any response within a reasonable timeframe, please send me a PM or an email to so I can make sure I am aware of the issue and looking into the best way to solve it in a time efficient manner. Thanks.
    Macbook Pro|Traktor Pro 2|VCI-400SE|MF3D|V-Moda LP2's | | facebook page | twitter

  2. #2
    Tech Wizard
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    Thanks for jumping on this FlashFlooder. This weekend I snagged an F1 to go with my VCI-100 (fw1.4\map4.1) and upgraded to TP2.5. I didn't compile a detailed list of the things that don't work in 2.5 (jogs don't work, browsing doesn't work, button assignment for play\pause\cup\ seems to have changed), but I'd be happy to.

    My question is this, when posting in the comments page on maps, do we post it to the most current mapping (for instance, here for the VCI-100, or should there be a "TP2.5" mapping page?

    Again, thanks for all of your work on these, if the existing functionality can be fixed for 2.5 than DJTT VCI-100 + F1 = BLISS!

  3. #3
    Tech Mentor Xtian317's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if this counts, but the MF Deckalized+Instant Grat mapping seems to be more unstable with 2.5.
    The already inconsistent sampler/juggle mode/beat slicer is almost unusable with 2.5. Sometimes it won't activate the beat slicer (light up the bottom two rows). Other times when the slicer is activated, the actual slicer effect won't deactivate when you hit the 1st slicer button (3rd row, 1st button). I also kept getting stuck in 'juggle mode'. I ended up having to unplug my MF to get out of it.
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  4. #4
    DJTT Moderator flashflooder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SparkDogg View Post
    My question is this, when posting in the comments page on maps, do we post it to the most current mapping (for instance, here for the VCI-100, or should there be a "TP2.5" mapping page?
    That is a good question. Since there doesn't seem to be a lot of activity on this thread maybe it's easiest if you just post your findings here or alternatively email/PM me them. The one advantage I do see to making them more publicly visible is that it could allow others to comments on the issues you might bring up.

    Hmm, now thinking about it again (while typing) maybe it makes most sense to post the comments on the maps page for the mapping that you are currently using and has issues with Traktor 2.5. That way I could tag that mapping as only being fully functional with Traktor versions 2.1 and below and know to create an edit of that mapping for 2.5.

    So I guess post them either here or there but if you do post them on a maps page please make a quick note on this thread to let me know you did so with a link to the page so I can quickly look into it. Thanks.
    Macbook Pro|Traktor Pro 2|VCI-400SE|MF3D|V-Moda LP2's | | facebook page | twitter

  5. #5
    DJTT Moderator flashflooder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtian317 View Post
    I'm not sure if this counts, but the MF Deckalized+Instant Grat mapping seems to be more unstable with 2.5.
    The already inconsistent sampler/juggle mode/beat slicer is almost unusable with 2.5. Sometimes it won't activate the beat slicer (light up the bottom two rows). Other times when the slicer is activated, the actual slicer effect won't deactivate when you hit the 1st slicer button (3rd row, 1st button). I also kept getting stuck in 'juggle mode'. I ended up having to unplug my MF to get out of it.
    Ok, that is good to know. I will look into this soon. I noticed some odd LED behavior in relation to what you brought up but didn't notice all the other issues. I probably won't get a chance to look into it and make a fix until sometime next week as I will be out of town for a long weekend in Vegas but will pick it back up when I return.
    Macbook Pro|Traktor Pro 2|VCI-400SE|MF3D|V-Moda LP2's | | facebook page | twitter

  6. #6


    yes i'd got 4 deck instant grat on my apc40 with some sample deck stuff on the bottom rows, and also copied the three state jog wheel modes from the s2 mapped to my torq xponent, everything worked nicely, now nothing works properly, they work but not properly, wrong fx are triggered with the instant grats and i can only trigger one mode on the jogwheels... will there be updates to the originals so i can cut n paste them back in?

  7. #7
    DJTT Admin Scammer scamo's Avatar
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    It seems the initializing of the effect units takes an extra "press of the button" to get the unit ready. Not the biggest deal, but it takes the feel of "tightness" away from using a controller for effects.

    I also seem to have some real issues with your MF3D DeckGratMotion mapping and 2.5. I haven't tried it with an older version of Traktor though....hmmmm. That gives me an idea........

    Skooppa - the revolution is beginning!

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  8. #8
    Tech Wizard
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    I'm in contact with NI about the problem with the "UNIT ON". Have exactly the same problem as scamo, I have to press the buttons twice to get the unit on.. For now, I do not use 2.5, also because of the "key correction" issue..

  9. #9
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    It sure look like missing FX store parameter command on each of the preFX buttons. I had same issue with my custom mapping, when I had imported it to 2.5.

  10. #10
    Tech Wizard
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    I don't agree. As I never had FX store used..

    Made a simple mapping on the keyboard, like, set effect, set parameter, turn unit on. As long the same effect is loaded, the button works as it should. If another effect is loaded, the "ON" light flashes shortly and the effect/parameter are set.

    Same mapping in 2.1.3 works fine.

    NI support meant, it is because it is overwriting the command of "UNIT ON", when the effect/parameter are set.

    I've sent back an answer, that it was working in 2.1.3 but not with 2.5 anymore..

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