2xTechnicsM5G+Allen&HeathDB4+Maschine+F1+PioneerRM X1000+S4+SDJ08+Lazers+Fog+IpadIOS
2xTechnicsM5G+Allen&HeathDB4+Maschine+F1+PioneerRM X1000+S4+SDJ08+Lazers+Fog+IpadIOS
Absolutely love it.
i d love to use battle style, but the shelve wont allow me to....basically not enough space
Technics 1210 MK2 x 2 / A&H Xone:22 / Shure M35S / Urbanears Zinken / Mukatsuku Record Weights x 2 / Vinyl
iMac / Ableton Live 8 / Reason / Akai EIE Pro / Adam A5x / Boss BX 800 / Soundcraft EPM6 / MFB 522 / Korg Monotribe / Maschine Mikro MK1 / NI Kontrol X1 MK1 / Akai APC 20 / Novation Remote 25sl Compact
I guess it's personal preference but unless you are regularly scratching I can't see why you would choose to have to reach over the tone-arm to adjust the pitch- as someone who uses the pitchfader pretty much exclusively (rather than the record/platter/spindle) when mixing I find battle-style a complete pain!
I prefer to have the pitch faders vertically and within easy reach
https://www.facebook.com/ekmobile.entertainment / http://soundcloud.com/dave-eden
2 Denon SC2900, Denon Dn-x1600, 2 Vestax PDX2000mk2, 2 Technics 1210, Stanton SK6, Gemini SA600mk2, Pio HDJ1500, 2 Synergy CD2000 (antiques)
If you're not scratching, there's absolutely no need to flip your TT's "portrait" (battle style).
But, in this day and age, if you're not scratching, you don't really need TT's.
And, on that bombshell, I'm outta here...
DJ'ing: 2x1200MK2, DJM 850, Dicers, F1, Zomo MC-1000, Sony MDR-v700, i7 Win 10 HP Envy
Production: Ableton Live 8 and a mouse, Sennheiser HD400, Sony VAIO
Click HERE to D/L Free Tracks from Soundcloud!!!
I use turntables, mix (don't scratch much), and like my TT set up in battle position. I do agree it's a bit more of a hassle pitch adjusting when you have to reach over the tonearm, but I guess it's just more a preference thing.